International PhD Program in the Humanities at University of Warsaw | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

International PhD Program in the Humanities at University of Warsaw

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang International PhD Program in the Humanities at University of Warsaw maka di bawah ini Informasi Kuliah Indonesia menyampaikan tentang International PhD Program in the Humanities at University of Warsaw sebagai berikut:

International PhD Program in the Humanities, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies `Artes Liberales`, University of Warsaw, Poland

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies `Artes Liberales` at the University of Warsaw offers a new and unique International PhD Program in the Humanities: `The Traditions of the Mediterranean Humanism and Challenges of our Times: the Frontiers of Humanity` co-financed by the European Uni0n from the European Regional Development Fund.

The Program embraces:
1. Four-year International Doctoral Program in the Humanities designed by a team of 36 eminent scholars from around the world
2. 13 research fields (divided into three sections: KNOWLEDGE, POWER, IDENTITY) which are interconnected through intense interdisciplinary dialogue
3. 13 PhD positions open to candidates of all nationalities
4. 48 months of paid fellowship, including 12-18 months abroad usually at two or three foreign universities selected from the 24 partner institutions of our Program (in Austria, Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Russia, Spain, or in the USA)
5. Monthly stipend of 3000 PLN (over 770 euros), plus benefits
6. Increased monthly stipend to 4500 PLN while the doctoral student is abroad (c. 1,150 euros), and a roundtrip air ticket

For more information about the Program, research topics and recruitment process see:

Baca Juga:   PhD Studentship in any area of Management, Kent Business School (KBS), Univ of Kent, UK

Application deadline: July 12,

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