PhD Position:Degradation and Mechanical Characterization of Polymers for Drug Delivery | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

PhD Position:Degradation and Mechanical Characterization of Polymers for Drug Delivery

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This project is part of coordinated efforts at DTU and KU Pharma to develop new devices for oral drug delivery. The goal of this collaboration is the top-down microfabrication of micro-containers for unidirectional and controlled release of drugs. a PhD student at DTU Nanotech is evaluating various methods for the fabrication of micro-containers for oral drug delivery. In parallel, the collaborators at KU Pharma are developing test drugs and models for measurement of the actual drug release from these devices. The main goal of this project is development of innovative tools and methods for evaluating the degradation rate and mechanical properties of biodegradable polymers used in the realization of the micro-containers. Thin coatings of biodegradable polymers will be deposited using spray-coating techniques. The degradation and mechanical properties of such thin coatings is poorly understood and will be studied using micromechanical sensors such as cantilevers.

Baca Juga:   Scholarships in Materials and Surface Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DTU, Denmark
-The applicant should have a degree in engineering, physics or chemistry preferably with experience in polymer microfabrication.
-A high grade average is decisive to be considered for the scholarship
Study Subject(s) Degradation and Mechanical Characterization of Polymers for Drug Delivery
Course Level PhD
Scholarship Provider: Denmark Technical University and KU Pharma
Application Deadline: 28 June 2011

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