LLM Scholarships, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

LLM Scholarships, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang LLM Scholarships, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK maka di bawah ini Informasi Kuliah Indonesia kuliahkaryawansabtuminggu.com menyampaikan tentang LLM Scholarships, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham, UK sebagai berikut:

For 2012-2013 Birmingham Law School will be offering a range of scholarships to applicants for its taught LLM programmes.

  • up to £5,000 for international students (Non EU)
  • up to £2,000 for UK/EU students.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need. Applicants must already have applied for admission to the LLM degree.

Applying for a scholarship
Applicants are required to send a letter of motivation to Mrs Sharon Jones (Law-LLM@bham.ac.uk) addressing the twin requirements of academic merit and financial need.

The closing date for the receipt of Scholarship applications is Friday, 22 June 2012.

Successful applicants will be notified in July 2012. Scholarships are not payable directly to successful applicants but are set off against the University fee invoice for 2012-2013 and will be transferred once successful applicants have paid the balance owed by them to the University.

Baca Juga:   International Research Scholarship, Bangor University, UK

For more information, please visit official website.

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