EF Education, Kaplan and Study Group Scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University, UK | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

EF Education, Kaplan and Study Group Scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang EF Education, Kaplan and Study Group Scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University, UK maka di bawah ini Informasi Kuliah Indonesia kuliahkaryawansabtuminggu.com menyampaikan tentang EF Education, Kaplan and Study Group Scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University, UK sebagai berikut:

International applicants from EF Education, Kaplan and Study Group for the 2012/13 academic year may apply for a Sheffield Hallam University scholarship worth £1000.
To mark the partnership between our institutions, Sheffield Hallam University is offering a scholarship of £1000 to one student from each of the three colleges who begins a full-time course with us in the 2012/13 academic year.
All full-time taught courses are taking part in this scheme.
Successful applicants will be awarded with a certificate to mark their achievement at a Scholarships ceremony following enrollment on their course and a payment will be made after enrollment.
Eligibility criteria
You are eligible to apply for the scholarship if

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  • you are a student at a EF Education, Kaplan or Study Group college
  • you are an international or European student and classed as such for fees purposes
  • you can meet the course entry requirements as specified in your offer
  • you have accepted your offer of a place on your chosen course starting in September 2012.

How to apply
Request a form via e-mail from ias@shu.ac.uk. Applications for this scholarship should be made with, or following, an offer for a taught course at Sheffield Hallam University.
Scholarship applications for courses starting in September 2012 must be submitted by 30 June 2012.
Contact information
Phone: +44 (0)114 225 3880
E-mail: ias@shu.ac.uk
Please note that you can only be awarded one Sheffield Hallam University scholarship or bursary. For example, if you are successful in applying for an International Achievement Scholarship, you would not be eligible to receive an International Access Scheme bursary. This also applies to any fee discounts you are awarded. You must be a self funded student.
For more information, please visit official website

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