[Denmark] PhD in Globalization, ISG at Roskilde University | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

[Denmark] PhD in Globalization, ISG at Roskilde University

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PhD in Globalization, ISG, Roskilde University, Denmark

The Institute for Society and Globalisation (ISG) specialises in interdisciplinary research and teaching in the social sciences.

Roskilde University is a leading Danish university emphasising interdisciplinary research, project-based learning, and socially-relevant engagement. The Doctoral School of the ISG announces PhD scholarships for employment from the 1st September 2010 or soon after in the following research themes:

1. The Challenge of Globalisation in Western Europe.
2. Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector with a Specific Focus on Health Care.
3. European uni0n Foreign Policy in an era of globalisation.
4. The Migration Industry and Markets for Managing Migration.

Baca Juga:   WPI-AIMR Summer School of Materials Science, Tohoku University, Japan

The application must be based on the full announcement, which is found on: http://www.ruc.dk/en/jobs/phd/
Please note: the first three themes are for so-called mobility scholarships, therefore only non-Roskilde University graduates can apply.

Application deadline: 25 June 2010

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