Sylff Scholarships in Humanities and Social Sciences for Developing Countries | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

Sylff Scholarships in Humanities and Social Sciences for Developing Countries

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The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF), is a fellowship program initiated in 1987 to support students pursuing graduate studies in humanities and social sciences disciplines.

To date, endowments of $1 million each have been presented to 69 universities and consortia in 44 countries. The Sylff program aims to identify and nurture leaders who will overcome differences such as nationality, language, ethnicity, religion, and political systems to tackle global issues, and whose high integrity and drive to address issues unique to their respective countries can make a real difference.

More than 12,000 students have received fellowships since the launch of the program in 1987. These Sylff fellows have been active in a diversity of fields following their graduation.

Baca Juga:   International Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Birmingham, UK


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