MI 35th Anniversary Guitar Craft Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA | Kuliah Karyawan Sabtu Minggu

MI 35th Anniversary Guitar Craft Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang MI 35th Anniversary Guitar Craft Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA maka di bawah ini Informasi Kuliah Indonesia kuliahkaryawansabtuminggu.com menyampaikan tentang MI 35th Anniversary Guitar Craft Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA sebagai berikut:

The MI 35th Anniversary GCA Scholarship will be awarded in Spring 2013 to a student (US or non-US citizen) newly enrolling in the Guitar Craft Academy (GCA) Program who clearly articulates their career goals within the music products industry and demonstrates verifiable financial need.The scholarship is applicable for students enrolled in the GCA Program only, and may not be transferred to other programs or emphases within an AA degree.

$3,000.00 tuition credit ($1,500.00 per quarter for the first two consecutive quarters of the program. Awardee must maintain enrollment at 12 units (fulltime status) during the full length of award period. Failure to maintain enrollment and satisfactory academic progress in the GCA Program for the full duration of the scholarship may result in withdrawal of the award.

Baca Juga:   Fulbright Senior Research Program, American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, USA

To be considered for the MI 35th Anniversary GCA Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Newly-enrolled GCA Program students only.
  • US citizen and non-US citizen.
  • Submit a 250-word essay explaining why you should be considered for the MI 35th Anniversary GCA Scholarship. Include your goals, describe the extent of your financial need and any other factors you consider relevant.
  • Provide the completed application form including: Verifiable financial need (submit 2011 or 2012 tax return or other means of income verification).

Application Deadline
For programs beginning: Spring 2013
Submit application by: March 1, 2013
All materials must be submitted in a complete package and mailed via US Postal Service to:
Musicians Institute
Scholarship Department
6752 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
For more information, please visit : official website

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